Cause you’re like caffeine, I can’t fall asleep all night
My heart keeps racing and again, I hate you
Like caffeine, I try to stay away
I try to forget about you but I can’t do it.
Hi, i'm here for ya guys ;)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 || 0 (+)
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- I'm in love with bacon babeh :* |
Hurrro cuties ^^Y
Omg its been a longggggg time since I'm not here and I also edited my blog. How's it? Thanks to wana bb ;) Fanfic? Muahaha dream on guys hahaha :D EXO is freakin hot right now, right? Oh god derp squad forever *u* And and and and and they are messing wimma bias list. Bacon, luhan, sehun, d.o, omg its everyone in exooooo ohhhh. Kay stop it now ;) Next, infinite. Ohemjayyy The Chaser waz awhsome. Their voice are getting much bettah~ But seriously, why does Sungyeol always got only one part. Omg whyyyyy? Only Tears is the best though. One of my songs for sleep playlist. Hihihi not that its a boring song but a song that makes me calm ;)
Today, I bake my very first own choclate cake. Sorry I don't want to upload the photo because the choc cake is tooooo simple *sigh* And, now I have no idea what to post hahaha byebye cuties :*
Kerja kursus sejarah & geografi, just go to hell will ya?