Monday to Sunday

Day 3: Your ultimate k-pop guy bias

Wednesday, December 21, 2011 || 0 (+)

KYAAAAA I fall in love with him!

How man days did I skip? Hahaha today I'm gonna post from day 3 - day 7 ;) Anyway, anyone here don't know who's my ultimate guy bias? Poor you. Haha just kidding :D Who else if it's not Yoseob right? Lalala~

This cutie derpy is forever mine \m/

Oh wait, I have more bias.

Baro iz hot.


Oppa oppaaaa~

Ricky is cute right? :D

WooGyu I love them wuuuu

Yeollie is superb cute on Sesame Player. Congrats on being on my bias list cutie ;*
