Cause you’re like caffeine, I can’t fall asleep all night
My heart keeps racing and again, I hate you
Like caffeine, I try to stay away
I try to forget about you but I can’t do it.
14 years alive! Muahahaha!
Thursday, December 1, 2011 || 0 (+)
Hello bloggarrs! Long time no see yah! Did you guys knew that yesterday(301111) was my birthday? You wished already? Hehe ;) There were lotsa peoples wished me on facebook. Thanks to those who wished me. Thanks again! I laahhv you guys! But there's no birthday party for me because I'm old enaf. Bhahahaha that's not funny. But, you have to know that I'm still childish! Nyehehe.The first person who wished right on 12 am is ... Jajangggg ! Nasreen Yangyang. I love you girl! The next person, the one wished me first on facebook. Nur Aisyah binti Makpol my ex-classmate when I was 12. She's the cute one. Hehe ;) I lahv you two muah muah kisses for yah :*
Oh, my ff. Everybody is asking for it. And me doing nothing. Kekeke sorry guys ;)